Monday, November 16, 2009

Braces? <<<<<<<?

ok so next month im getting braces. do they hurt when they get put on or off. plz help. i want o get braces badly!

Braces? %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;?
Kind of. When you get them put on, do NOT make the same mistake i made, wear chapstick, you will have your lips be separated and if you don't wear chapstick it will feel as if the dentist is slowly ripping your lips apart. This is how they get put on:

*1. Your teeth are cleaned and dried.

*2. A special "glue" is put on yor teeth.

*3. Each bracket is put on each tooth one by one.

*4.The glue is dried with this special UV light.

*5. The wire is then put on, help by the ligatures, or, if you are getting speed or damon braces, connected through the little hole.

And now, here's your list of do's and don'ts with your braces:


*Brush your teeth every day

*For the first days, eat soft foods.

*If at school,use mouthwash at least.

*Floss at least once daily.

*Take Tylenol 1 hour before they get put or immediately after they get put.

*Wear chapstick


*Don't eat hard,sticky or gooey foods.(for the first days,the ortho tells you not do it but as long as you brush after, its all good)

*Don't chew gum with sugar. (Try trident sugarless gum,it's good for your teeth and it tastes good.)

*Don't touch your braces too much or you might break them.

*Don't rub your tongue against your braces,you might cut your self.

*Don't chew on pencils or erasers.

*Don't bite your nails.

Remember: Braces work by applying pressure to your teeth. If your teeth are uncomfortable and feel like their being pressured,that's a GOOD thing.


Try getting colors to match upcoming holidays such as green and red for Christmas. Don't be afraid to mix it up and express your self! Also,theres something new called braces jacketz and it's these clip-on things that have letters and sings,heres the link:!...

Good luck and remember,it's worth it in the end!


Pain and discomfort is common for the first five days.(or around that time.) Since your gums are still soft, the brackets will slightly cut your mouth. If that happens, go to your local drugstore and buy a canker medicine and put it around your gums.For the pressure, drink lots of ice cold water because the cold loosens the wires.

So yeah that's all I could think of now if there's more I'll add it.

I almost forgot, if your braces start cutting you then go to: to buy a comfort cover, they really work!

All in all,

Don't worry hun, you'll be OK!!
Reply:Nope no pain a little discomfort maybe, but no pain. There is pain afterwards though, make sure you eat alot of soft foods for a few days to a week afterwards. Getting them off doesnt hurt either, but when they scrape off the glue, it may be gross feeling and you may feel pressure.

Good Luck.
Reply:im getting braces on thursday and dont worry about it ull be fine

even tho im still a little worried 2 even after reading almost evrythign i could find on the subject
Reply:Wow!! I don't want to freak you out honey but you will be ok for the first few hours after you get them on. After that it is a whole different ball game. I didn't go to school the day after I got my braces on!! Tylenol and soft food for the first few days after you get them on and then after each time you get them adjusted. Getting them off is the best feeling in the world! You won't be able to stop smiling!!

I MISS my braces so much!!
Reply:Well getting braces are exciting I had them. Its uncomfortable putting the "O" rings on which go in the back of ur mouth that connects everything. It hurts a little but I think a ear ache or having a bad case of the #2's is worse. Besides a 2 or 3 months after you get them you probably will see a big difference in the apperance of your smile and teeth . I know you will be happy about it and pain will not be an issue.
Reply:Hi there. I had braces put on when I was 40 years of age; the same time as my 15 year old!!. Actually getting them on at the dentst is fairly painless, apart from when they put the spaces in between your teeth a few days beforehand. This is to give them a little space to put some of the brackets on your back teeth. Anyway, on the day they are put on, a few hours later you may find your teeth are really sore, and I do mean really sore. However, taking panadol etc for the next 24 hrs will make this more than bearable. Some people find every month or so when the braces are adjusted, that tehre teeth are a little sensitive. My daughter had this, but I had no probs there. Guess we all react differently. My main issue was the pain on the inside of my cheeks where the braces cut into me. There did not seem to be anything I could do to fix this, and I was so pleased to get my braces off. However, my daughter had no probs on the inside of her mouth. Getting them off is a breeze. They do have to prise the brackets off your teeth, but that bit really does not hurt at all. And you must remember to wear your retainer, or all the hard work will be reversed. Believe me, teeth move so quickly and will revert back to the way they were until they can establish themselves in the new permanent place, so wear your retainer. I hope you love your new look.
Reply:It doesn't really hurt to get them on or off. All you really feel is a push (to get them on) or a pull (to get them off). It just hurts after you get them on for a few days. Especially to eat. And then every month when you get new colors it hurts for about a day. But you'll get used to them. Good luck!
Reply:i actually like having my braces lol. they start to ge uncomfortable after about 3 hours after you get them just stick to soft foods for a few days.

good luck!!
Reply:Its not the putting on that hurts, its like an hour later, but even then it only aches, just plan to have like mashed potato for dinner and yoghurt for breakfast and lunch
Reply:putting them on is practically painless. Afterwards (about first week or 2) is a different story. Your teeth will be quite sore and very sensitive. Make sure you only have soft food during the first couple of weeks (soup, mashed potatoes etc). But I'm sure after that you won't even notice them [i don't anymore =) ]
Reply:i have braces and when i got them on, they hurt. the only thing that you should do beforehand is to make sure you have soft food in the house, like pudding or babyfood. babyfood is fine and that's what i had!

also whenever you go for a checkup every two months your teeth would hurt after that.


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