Saturday, November 14, 2009

Braces ???????????????????????

i am getting braces in 18 days what colors should i get , and should i get the clear braces

Braces ???????????????????????
if you are talking about invisalign, if you are a kid, you shouldn't get invisalign, and i don't know what colors you should get...the way it is with my braces is, they are just metal, and don't have any color because my orthodontist does these new braces, where the rubberband doesn't hold the wire on, the bracket is a lot less painful, and you don't have to go to the ortho as much....only every 2-3 months, instead of every 6 weeks
Reply:after you get them your teeth will hurt so much that the color will be the last thing on your mind. so i'd suggest just getting your favorite color, or something that matches everything.
Reply:I m getting braces too.I'm going to choose the transparent braces.

I prefer them


bye xxx
Reply:I'm currently wearing braces for the second time because I had some spaces to open back up. The first time I got them I had the ceramic on top and metal on the bottom. I always hated the ceramic ones because the ligatures that hold the wire to the brackets stained real easily. So when I found out that I would have to wear braces for the second time I chose the metal braces. I like them better because they are more comfortable to wear. Here is a link that gives all the pros and cons of metal vs ceramic braces. Good luck!!!
Reply:if you want them to be less noticiable, get clear. as far as color goes, don't do seasonal colors. like red and green on christmas, because you'll have to keep them on a long time after christmas befor you get to change the color again.

Get a color that is prevelant in your wardrobe.

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