Monday, November 16, 2009


im 17 im getting braces tommrow i alredy have the spacers in will my braces hurt,and how do they get put on,im graduating this year will they come off by june.

they put them on at my ortho by draining your saliva, then they put this stretchy thing on your lips (you feel a bit of pressure, and bring chap stick to put on before they do it) thin they put a little glue on your teeth and do a purple on it.... then they put a silver thing (back of it) re-glue and put that on with the purple light then....... they put your bracket on with the purple light on and glue... t hen they sometimes put the wire on or they leave it alone for a week so you can get used to it. you go in and they change your wire and put different bands on...

now the hurt part..... it hurts a bit when your first getting used to them and they get stuck on the cheeks... they also hurt when they put a new tighter wire on... when that occurs, take a Advil. in my opinion, the only other time that they hurt is when a wire tip is out, then they give you wax for that.

off by June? it is possible, but unlikely, ask you orthodontist, and he will give you an depends on the crooked ness of your teeth.
Reply:well, i am guess you don't want me to sugarcoat things. this is my experience and it may be different for you. the putting them on process is not bad at all. seriously you don't even feel a thing, and it is the same when getting them off. but maybe a few hours later you will notice the effect they are having. your teeth will feel very pressurized but you can definitely take some medicine. it really isn't that bad, the pain you experience, if any, will last for only a day or so.
Reply:sorry to bust your buble but they usually are in for 18-24 months
Reply:it does hurt like the first week but then its just chilling...

they will probably not take them by june but it really depends on your problem but im 95% sure they wont take them of by june maybe in a year... i have worn them for 2 years %26amp; a half... and thair still not of!!!
Reply:i doubt theyll come off by june.. but they could come off sooner then planned if you keep them clean.. they only hurt the first couple times you get them tightened and it takes forever for them to put them on.... but just think of the outcome and how good theyll look after theyre off =]
Reply:hah you really think you will have braces for only 2 months? you're lucky if you'll have them for only 2 years. thats how long i had mine. sorry to tell you. and they hurt..but mainly only when you go in to have them tightened.

i know people who have had braces for 7 years. good luck.
Reply:You will probably be sore for a few days. As for putting them on they put the metal bands around your molars and glue the brackets to your teeth. They use pliers to put you rubber bands on, but that's not bad. By this June? I doubt you'll get them off by then but who knows, I'm not the ortho.
Reply:Ok hunni, brace yourself, I ain't gunna sugarcoat it for ya...

In my experience, yes, the procedure will hurt. I wont be as bad as you think though. It's mostly the pressure that causes the discomfort. They actually glue these metal bits to your teeth. This wont hurt all that much, but it's the getting them off bit that is most likeley to be more painful. And no, they wont be off in time...

Sorry to be so blunt, but you needed to know... But it's totally worth it! By the end of it you'll feel like a million bucks. Honestly.
Reply:sorry kiddo, but no. Usually they take 2 years to come off. At first they hurt but thats because your teeth arent used to the pressure and get loose, but your teeth get custome to it. and you get use o other little pains. and hey dont worry. im 12 and i handle them just fine. right now some rubberband went out of place a bit and bruised the inside of my mouth a bit and ive been handleing it for 2 weeks (and yes it's sharp)
Reply:When you get baces (and i speak from expirience) they are usually on for about 3 years and they do hurt. a LOT. i would recomend eating jello for the next few meals after you get them on because thats just about all you will be able to eat. After a week you will be able to eat REAL food again
Reply:dude its not that bad, i just got mine off

nope, you will have them on for almost 2 yrs
Reply:might take up to 3 years too! depends on your teeth condition. The max I heard of is 4 years (eeeeeeeew!)

You have to ask your ortho how long do you have to put them on

im still deciding if I should get em! =/

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