Saturday, November 14, 2009


hi im 14 and ive decided i want braces. the dentist said that it wasn't urgent and that i dont have to get them but i hate my little gap between my front teeth and my bottom theth are crooked. anyways im not really sure of what 'getting braces' means. i dont really know what happens and for how long and stuff. in need someone to tell me everything i need to know about getting braces (preferably someone who has/had them)

thnx alot xx

Getting braces just means that you get braces put on. How long you have them on depends on how badly you need braces. I had braces for a little over a's not as bad as a lot of people think. Once every month or 6 weeks you will go to the orthodontist and have your braces tightened. (All they do is put a smaller tighter wire on) You get to pick colored bands that go on the brackets (brackets are the little holders they glue to your teeth) When it's time to get the braces taken off, all the orthodontist will do is take a little tool that looks kinda like pliers and the brackets pop right off. It doesn't hurt at all. Then they use another little tool that sands the glue off of your teeth. (This tickles a little bit) After you get your braces tightened, your teeth might be a little sore for a few days. It's really not bad at all! That's pretty much all there is to it. I hope that helps you!
Reply:You have to see an orthodontist, and they will explain.
Reply:most thirteens or 14s have braces so i guess if u think u need em then go 4 it!!
Reply:Hi, I have braces right nowww. (:

Why would you decide to have braces? I mean, if your teeth really bother you, I can understand.

Personally, I HATE braces. Food gets stuck in it, it's harder to brush, and it made my mouth look like a fish. :0 ! But to get braces, I don't know how your othadontist does it, but mine used some heavy duty dental glue, and put them on bu pushing them with the glue onto my teeth. It doesn't hurt, but after a while, it does hurt beacsue your teeth move.
Reply:I don't have traditional braces, I have invisalign. I do know that Traditional braces are wires placed on your teeth that pull them into to place over time. You go in for progress checks and tightening of the wires. It can cause tooth and gum pain. Get them while you're young though, believe me.
Reply:ive had them an they are only a hinderance while they are on but your teeth look awesome afterwards.. if your two front teeth are all your worried about im sure you could get invasaline so that they can be corrected and people would not even notice them.. or they could put regular ones on but only on the certain teeth that need them.. make sure your teeth are completely grown and that they arent still shifting before you get them cause you never know if you may not need them..

i had braces for 3 years and my teeth werent even that bad so just be cautious with your decision but if your looking toward the future... braces are a good choice and a great smile will get you far
Reply:Well you'll have those metal brackets on your teeth (unless the procedure has changed since I had them about 15 years ago). Most people have them for about 1 1/2 years, but sometimes much longer. It sounds like you don't have huge problems so it probably won't be too long. I would recommend doing it now so you don't have them when you're older.
Reply:Well you usally have them for 2-4 years. Sounds like you should go to a different dentist. They can hurt sometimes. but I think its worth it. If your 14 I would get them now!!! You don't want to have braces when your older. Trust me. They cost about 4,000-6,000 depending wher you get them. But no worries. YOu don't pay upfront. they let you pay like very month. And usually about the time you get them off. The whole thing is paid off! Its about $300 a month or so.
Reply:I have braces myself. You should see your orthodontics and talk to them. how long you will have it for and stuff like that. I f you do get them it usually huts for about 2-3 days it depends me only 2 days. then you will get used to it. After you get them off you will have to wear a retainer. and ebery monthe you can change colors of your braces (cool)

Good luck hope I gave you enough info on it.
Reply:Find a orthodontist, if you want braces thats your decision not the dentist.

ive got braces and i am getting them off soon

if u WANT braces, then u only NEED them for cosmetic reasons

thats fine

i had a gap inbetween my front teeth and it is now gone with the help of braces

all of my teeth are now really straight so it is worth it


if u feel u need them then i suggest u get braces

and u wont have them on for long cause ur teeth arn't very bad

hope ive helped
Reply:yea i have a gap too, not very big.

braces hurt. when you get them. then when they tighten them. you can't eat popcorn or taffy or things like that.

you won't know exactly how long you get them, when you get them the orthodontist will tell you.
Reply:lol well i have braces and i wanted them soo bad but when i got them i haded them u always have food in them and they hurt when u get them tightened and i have mine for 1 and a half years im suppose to get them off when i had them for 2 years but they are always on longer for sure nott so funn so dont rush it its not funn:):)
Reply:Ok I am 14 as well and I just got braces for the second time. The amount of time that you have them on differs from person to person. Most people about 2 years. The sooner you get them I would say the better.. Also you might have to go through other steps as well.. Before I was able to get braces I needed an expander, and a retainer. So you would have to go to an orthodontist and see what he/she says.
Reply:I got them when I was 13 and got them off age 16. Honestly, It sucked the entire time and I was so so so happy to get them off. It was worth it though. I would go for it if it's you. I think the younger you can get them, then get them. Do you want them on for High School graduation or prom? Yeah probably not. lol Anyway some tips: brush your teeth really good every night because I didn't brush as well as I should have and I have plaque stains now. Also buy some canker sore stuff called Kanco. It works really good and have plenty of wax avalible. I know I'm making it sound like braces is the worst thing but most of time, you don't even notice they're on. You get super used to them. About the time, Like i said, I had mine on for 3 years and I had pretty messed up teeth. I'm not sure how long you would have them on for. They only told me I would have mine on for 1 to 2 years so they kinda lie. Either way, Go for them braces because when they're off, you'll have gorgeous perfect teeth. Good Luck!!!
Reply:hey dude i hav em now nd fyi

u r 1 strange person

im sorry but u r

ok so when they put them on it doesnt hurt but afterwards it will hurt cuz it will b tight and u shouldnt eat hard food (really painful!!)

nd it will also hurt when they tighten it
Reply:braces can be painful.well i guess that depends one the person.after a few days you will probably get used to them. getting them put on is not painful at all.[well i guess that depends on the person too].......but other wise there great!!!! They straiten your teeth!! yeah perfect teeth :p
Reply:hi. i actually got braces 2 weeks ago for the second time, and its really not as bad as people say. the first time it took abuot 1 1/2 hours to put them on, and it did not hurt a bit. it just felt wierd after you got them because your lips stick out more. you should always eat right after you get braces or get them adjusted because it may hurt for up to a week after.

but all they do it put each brace on each tooth then use this light thing to bond it to the tooth. good luck!
Reply:Honestly I don't think braces are that bad and I'm 13. The process in which you get braces includes you getting an x-ray at your orthodontist, molding your teeth (which is really nice, put a flavored pla dough, just don't think of it as pay dough, its really nice) then they decide ur plan and you come in for 1 hour and they would put braces on your teeth. It would just be a little pressure for the first couple of days, but then you would get used to them
Reply:i think u should get braces but you want to see orthodontist, if he say yes. it sounds like u dont have mess up teeth. they take pics of ur teeth, mold ur teeth. then they decide to pull teeth out or they put spacers (for a week or so)to make space for the braces.then they put the braces it doesnt hurt but in hour it hurts alot(it hurts for five days or more or less depends). so you eat and take tylenol or what ever u take to relieve pain before u go get ur braces or they tighten the braces.they tell u what not to eat and u can (but all of it is bull)and every six weeks they tighten them (they either add rubber bands, springs, and etc. that i dont know)and that is mostly it hope it helps and good luck.

first few steps takes one week

and for you probadly have braces for year and a half or two
Reply:if u were you i would get braces asap...

i got mine when i was 14 and all my friends had braces already and by the time i got mine on they were getting there's i say get them as soon as you can...

an orthodontist can explain what needs to be done to straighten ur teeth - everyone has diff problems, so some have to wear them longer than others.

they can be a pain sometimes, esp when u get adjustments usually every month, they can hurt a lot, but if u take tylenol or advil b4 the visit, it can help.

there are lots of foods u cant eat with braces, like popcorn (which i really really miss!) and gum, caramel, taffy, etc. and u cant bite into apples, bagels stuff like that u should cut up. orthodontist will explain all that too.

u will also want to make sure u brush, floss, use mouthwash, cuz its really easy to get cavities when u have braces. there are lots of tools to help, like these looped plastic threaders for the floss that u use to pull the floss through, and there are these little brushes called go-betweens that can clean under the wires, between brackets.

hope this helps - good luck!
Reply:if i were you i wouldnt get braces,

unless i just had too.

i have braces and they hurt every time you tighten them,

they rub your gums,

they get food stuck in them,

and you cant eat somethings with them.

braces are definately not fun.

and i would personally advise you to not get them
Reply:You get braces for a reason. For you, your reason is to fill the gap in your front two teeth. Make sure your dentist knows you want rid of that gap. You are still young, but getting braces now would definitely fill that gap. You would have the braces cemented to you teeth for however long you need it. It could be anywhere from 3-10 months worth of braces and a retainer afterwards. You just need to tell the orthodontist what you want and he'll help you do what you need to to fix it. I personally had braces for about 10 months. Make sure you wear the retainer though...your teeth will get even worse than they were before if you don't wear the retainer.

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