Thursday, November 12, 2009


i'm going to be 15 in two months, and i'm getting braces in a couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE i know who has had braces has gotten them off, i will be the only person i know who still has braces!! but my real problelm is that i'm really scared, does it really hurt, for how long, and is 18 months a long time to have them on?

I have been an orthodontic assistant for 9 years and I had braces as a teen as well. Braces are more annoying than painful. They do cause a little soreness but just minor. I see people of all ages every day. More and more adults have braces now than ever before. Braces are so common that most people will not even look twice at them.

It is normal to be nervous about something new, but it isn't as bad as you think.

Good Luck


Reply:It's a little uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to them.
Reply:it doesnt really hurt, it just feels weird at first you will get used to them, i had mine for around 18 to 20 months
Reply:It doesn't hurt when they put them on, but you'll feel a little bit of pressure as they apply the brackets.

The first few days it hurts the worst. I suggest eating soft foods for at least a week.

It takes 2-3 weeks for the calluses to form on the insides of your lips so you'll have little raw spots where the braces rub.

Just take some painkillers like Advil or Extra-Strength Tylenol and you'll be fine. :]

And 18 months is normal, I have to have mine on for 18-24 months! So, do what your ortho says and it might even be a shorter amount of time.
Reply:Don't worry, I'm 14, and the majority of my friends have or will be getting them off. I just got them on in February!

I was a little nervous too, but it's not that big of a deal. The appointment to get them on takes approximately 30 minutes. Take Tyenol or Ibuprofen a half an hour before that appointment. After they glue all the brackets on and put the wire through, you'll start to feel your teeth literally pull apart. It's not painful, but it's not the greatest feeling either.

Your teeth will hurt the first week. Your mouth will feel really big, and it will feel awkward to smile because your lips will get caught on the hooks (you'll see what I mean when you get them on). Your bite will also feel incorrect so you won't be able to chew. So the night before the appointment, I recommend you go to the grocery store and buy soft foods such as rice, pudding, jello, ice cream, soup, ravioli, etc. Now when I say soft foods, I literally mean soft! Foods like popcorn and bread will even be a challenge to chew that first week!

After that week goes by, you'll be able to eat all your favorite foods again.

18 months doesn't seem that long. The usual time is 2 years. But don't count on getting your braces off in 18 months. Orthodontists are always changing their minds, so you might have to keep them on longer or shorter.

Just relax when getting them on, and you'll be a-o-kay!
Reply:Braces are wonderful. Even though they hurt, many people wish with all their hearts for them. They are truly life savers. It will hurt probably for three days to one week. Every time you go to get them tightned it will probably hurt again for two days. The pain doesn't bother that bad as long as you take ibuoprouffen.

18 months is not that bad. Sometimes may be rough but just remeber that someday you will have great teeth. I think it is perfectly normal though. One tip- Follow all of the orthodontists requests and your time will be faster! Good Luck!
Reply:Go to

Click on "view movies".

Under ORTHO you can see animated videos on Orthodontic problems, braces, and other othtodontic appliances.

Comfort Cover™ is a specially designed flexible plastic shield that snaps securely into place on your brackets, and totally covers your braces from end to end. It provides hours and hours of relief from gum discomfort caused by orthodontic brackets and wires.

This handy product can be especially helpful to musicians, public speakers, and "braces newbies" who want a little extra help in those first uncomfortable weeks of orthodontic treatment. You can also wear Comfort Covers for light contact sports where mouthguards are not needed, or in intimate situations where you want protection from oral laceration. This product works best on smaller brackets and arch wires that are relatively straight, horizontally.

Each Comfort Cover set contains two clear Covers, housed in a convenient plastic tube for easy transport. Just put your Comfort Cover set in your purse, backpack, or briefcase and go! The Covers are 5 inches long. Trim them with scissors for a custom fit. Caution: may present a choking hazard if used while sleeping. Please note: this product is not returnable due to health regulations.

Each Comfort Cover set contains two Covers (one for the top teeth and one for the bottom teeth), a plastic carrying/storage tube, and instructions behind the label. Buy two sets and save!
Reply:I'm 15 %26amp; I just got my braces put on in Feb. %26amp; I still have a year to go. So don't worry you aren't the only one that's going to have braces. Now days everyone has braces.I go to school with seniors that have braces. People of all ages, it's like a fashion statement. When you get your braces put on it's painless. Then that night your teeth will be a little sore. It will take about a week or two for you to get used to them %26amp; the soreness to vanish. Try eating: pudding, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, bananas, soup, and anything else that is soft in your first week. Also when you go back to the orthodontists to get them tighten your teeth will be a little sore for a day or two take some kind of over the counter painkiller. Oh! I have also found that using a water pick is a great way to clean your teeth between snacks so that you want have to brush as often, but just think in the end you are going to have a beautiful smile. I hope I was of some help.Good Luck!
Reply:When I got them the first time, I was the only one with them. I got them early, and everyone else got them in high school.

It's not that bad. It took about an hour. It was a little uncomfortable for me because my teeth are sensitive, but I'm old - you won't have that problem probably.

It hurt to chew for a week or so, but it wasn't serious pain, and you just eat soft food.

It takes a few weeks to get used to them, and don't forget to use the wax they give you! Especially at night - if I don't put any on, I wake up with my lips stuck to them.

18 months is about average. That's about how long I'll have mine.

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