Saturday, November 14, 2009


hey,, do braces hurt?

what can i eat ?

how long does it take to get them done?

personal brace stories would be kewl!! tell me!

***u can get as many pattern of colors u want, but dont go more than 2

***pink and light blue are cute colors

***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain

***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colors


i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)

it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda bad

they give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stuff

first theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE time

then there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth

**the cement kinda tastes bad!

they do this the first time and every time u get them tightened:

they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit right

then that is it!(the process is about 35 minutes)

Ur done

but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, dental cotton balls, and rubber cover up

***each person is different i bleed a little on the first day and i put a few cotton balls in my mouth for like 3 minutes

when u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluids

then for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, pudding, jello, beans, yogurt, custard, fries, milkshakes, ice cream, and soft foods-avoid straws

every night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of days

every morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleaner

dont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i just got em off about two months ago-i luv my new smile!!!
Reply:Hi there, Im getting them too!

They hurt up to a week, but hardly ever it hurts that long. It usually hurts for a couple of days and thats it.

You can eat alot of things, just not ;

Nuts, Sticky Lollies, Hard Biscuits (Gingernut), Popcorn, coke, sprite, most juice ect

I don't know how long it takes, but I don't think it takes too long.

Every 8 weeks you can get your coloured bands changed, in case you were wondeirng about colours too.

Hope this helped.

Reply:Braces do hurt at the beginning, all that metal in your mouth rubs against the inside of your mouth making it very raw. After a month you get use to it....then it's not bad! Except when you go for an adjustment, then it's hurts again for a week or so after everything is tightened.

You can eat whatever you want, at first I would only eat soup and soft foods because it did hurt to chew. But once again, you get use to it and the pain goes away...I would carry a tooth brush with me, so after I ate, I could go to the bathroom and remove all the food stuck in the can get irritating. make sure you brush your teeth a lot, braces make you prone to cavities!!

The time it takes depends on how bad your teeth are, I had them for 2 years, one of my friends had them for almost 5 years!

Even though they hurt, it is the best feeling in the world when they come off and you have a gorgeous smile for the rest of your life!!
Reply:Your best bet is to go for a consult with an orthodontist. The ones in my area do not charge for the consult and they will answer all your questions.

I wore braces years ago and there were times when they were uncomfortable but not daily. Usually when they are adjusted your teeth will be a little sore but take advil 1 hr before and for the next day and you'll be fine. Only the orthodontist can tell you how long you will wear them. It depends on how much shifting has to be done with your teeth.

Go for that consult and good luck with your future new smile!
Reply:Yes, they hurt, usually after they adjust them.

You can eat most of the same things you did before.

It usually takes a year or two to fix teeth, but it can take longer.

Depends on what needs to be done.

I had them for two years in high school...I was still able to play the trumpet, but they aren't fun.

But hey, straight teeth last a lifetime! (maybe) What's a couple years of discomfort?
Reply:Ohh, simple. The first few days it does hurt. Try to be careful, when you hit your mouth it does hurt, like alot. Probably after a week it will stop hurtin. Try to eat soft foods, on the first days. Any candy must be gone, stickey foods u cant eat, trust meh i tried. Hotdogs, Spehgehtti, Soup, Eggs, Pancakes, ya know, stuff like that. Carrots u cant eat. Try askin a dentist about these, thell be mor specific. It depends, how long thell take. 4 meh it was about 30 mins. Sometimes its hard to get on and sometims its not.

Sooo, storie? Okay, oN the first day when i got my braces it hurt alot. Then the next day the dentist told meh not to eat candy, then i found some caramilk, the hard ones, so i cheated and started 2 chew.then the wire came loose and i accidentally swallowed it. And thats waht i gets.
Reply:Depends on the type of braces your going to get. When I was younger they only had the metal ones. And every month when they tightened them my mouth was very sore. And I always got cold sores in my mouth from the wire scrapeing up against my cheeks. I had to always cut hard food. Like fruits. I had my braces for 4 years,but it payed off I beautiful teeth.
Reply:Talking to an Orthodontist (person who will be in charge of straightening your teeth) will clear up a lot of your questions. As someone who has braces on now, I'll try:

When you first get your braces on, your teeth will be pretty sore for a few days. Sorry, but that's the truth. After this, you will usually go to visit your Orthodontist once a month to get them adjusted. Your teeth might be a little sore for a few days afterwards, but nothings major.

As for food, you'll learn to avoid really sticky foods (gum, soft candies, etc.) because they have the danger of pulling the braces off your teeth (which are only glued on). Other then that, you're free to eat most any foods.

Habits you'll get into? Cleaning all the gunk out of your braces when you're done eating. If you don't feel like brushing, swishing a handful of water around in your mouth a few times will help.
Reply:They feel VERY sore the first couple days, and eating is a HUGE pain, I'm not going to lie. As you begin to get used to them, they begin to hurt less and less and you should be used to them in about a week or so. When I got mine on, the process took about an hour. Once you get them on, be sure to stick to soft foods like noodles, jello, ice cream, smoothies, etc. You can resume eating basically whatever you like gradually as the soreness disappears. Your orthodontist will probably have you stay away from gum, hard candy, etc. I've had mine for about 1 year and 8 months and I get them off next week and I'm so excited! They had their sucky moments but I'm really happy I had them overall because my horrible teeth from before have changed completely as a result. In the end, you'll be glad you got them, as well.

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