Monday, November 16, 2009


how does it feel to have braces

when you very first get them on, you will just feel a slight amount of pressure on your teeth, nothing major at all just slight, hardly notciable, braces are realli easy to get used to, but when you get them tightened its a bit sore when you eat but it goes away in like a day or two, they are nothing to worry about at all and the results are always well worth it :) plus you can experiment with the colours nd be trendy :)
Reply:i have then,

you get use to then after like 2 dayss.
Reply:it feels werid the first couple days

and when they tighten the wires, it can be painful for a day
Reply:i had them, it depends on how bad(unstraight, whatever) your teeth are, like i had to hav spacers, had not much space between them, it hurt like crap, but it doesnt take all that long to get used to it. just grin an bear it, after a little while i was perfectly fine. it just all depends.

it tastes a little funny too, lol, just convince your parents ice cream will help
Reply:it hurts for like 2 weeks, then its all good
Reply:I Have Brace but i also have twin blocks in my mouth to help my jaw and i got used to them in like a couple of days

Braces act like magnets for food, so you need to keep your teeth especially clean while you have them on. You'll want to brush after meals and be extra careful to get out any food that gets stuck in your braces. Your orthodontist also may give you a special flosser you can use to floss in and around your braces. When your orthodontist changes your wires, ask if you can do a quick floss (it'll be easier without the wires).

You won't have to go on any special diet when you have braces, but you'll want to avoid some foods that are problems for braces. Stay away from popcorn, hard and sticky candy, and especially gum. Sugary sodas and juices can cause a problem, too, because the sugar stays on your teeth and may cause tooth decay. You can have these drinks, but be sure to brush afterward.

Because braces put pressure on your teeth, you might feel uncomfortable once in a while, especially after the orthodontist makes adjustments. If you have pain, ask your mom or dad to give you a pain reliever.

If you ever have a loose wire or bracket, or a wire that is poking you, you should see the orthodontist right away to get it taken care of. If your orthodontist can't find a problem, he or she may give you some soft wax that you can stick on the bracket that's bothering you. Then it won't rub against your mouth.

So braces can be inconvenient, but lots of kids have them and they are definitely worth the trouble. When will you know for sure? On the day your braces are removed and you can see your new and improved smile!

Some days your mouth will hurt really bad, and otherday its just fine. The first 2-4 days they will hurt the most. Then after that its just that much pain !

Reply:at first in hurts like hell! first week i was in agony...if youre having them, dont let me put you off! it just feels like you have weird metal slips on your teeth to be honest. but its all worth it in the end i suppose!

Reply:weird at first
Reply:your teeth feel really tight at first but the pain gradually goes away....tip: if you dont want them dont get too upset over them because ive had them for about 1 year and like 8 months and i couldnt wait to get them off and i stressed over them a lot.....just dont stress about a lot of people have them
Reply:I got mine on friday and they absolutely kill at the moment. Hopefully this will go away in a few days!

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