Monday, November 16, 2009


My 12 year old is getting braces what r some tips about braces. Like how much can they run ,stuff like that

I'm 25 and I got my braces about 7 months ago... A well worth it procedure, the cost was about $3000, my insurance paid half and I make pymts of $68.00 at my monthly visits. Make sure your child wears his or her retainer b/c my sister didn't and her teeth shifted!!!

Good Luck
Reply:it depends on what she needs to have done. tell her she needs to keep them clean. everytime you eat you need to clean your mouth and you need to brush your teeth. and if she or he gets rubberbands they need to take them out when you eat then brush your teeth than put them back in.

Hope i helped some!
Reply:It's been about 4 years since I got mine on. Mine were just a lump sum payment of around 4k.... but it really varies from different orthodontists
Reply:take good care of your braces. where your rubber bands, DON"T eat any of the foods they tell you not too, and after you get them off MAKE SURE YOU WEAR YOUR RETAINER!!! very important!
Reply:Me and my sister both had braces. They cost my parents 5 thousand for each of us- total 10 thousand. Your orthodonist will tell you that your kid isn't supposed to eat all this stuff- but i ate all of it and I never broke anything. Just have your child be careful because it will be awkward to chew gum and stuff at first but if you're careful and get the hang of it you'll be fine. They will probably have him/her wear retainers after the braces come off (usually in 1-3 years depending on the case) and then you will have periodic check ups after that. Make sure she doesn't skip out on wearing the retainers all the time (at least until she won't have to go for check ups anymore!) because I made the mistake of putting mine in the day before a checkup and it hurt so bad it would make me cry. (But I did successfully fool them-but it wasn't worth the pain.) If they are dreading it will only hurt a little after they are put on. Be prepared to have soft foods like soup and applesauce on hand the first few days because I couldn't even chew a french fry.
Reply:Keep them as clean as possible. Flossing is a pain to do with braces but it's VERY important. Like someone above me has said, they give you a list of things not to eat but I still do, you just need to take extreme caution with those things. And no matter how much your child might complain about wearing retainers, make sure they do! If you don't then I can almost gaurentee you all that money you spent on them will be out the door. Good luck!
Reply:I am 14 adn just got braces today. some tips are like, my mom had to pay 300 bucks just today to get the braces, but it will cost more. the cement used to keep the braces on taste kind of sour. also, it might hurt while the bands are getting sized. They will eat much slower that usual. for instance, i had a salad today and it took me 1 hour to eat atleast 1/10 of it. (not even kidding, though you think i might be). It might hurt the first few days. cut up the food in small peices. One last thing... the outcome will be great!

leather sandals

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