Monday, November 16, 2009


im 17 im getting braces tommrow i alredy have the spacers in will my braces hurt,and how do they get put on,im graduating this year will they come off by june.

yes, braces will make your teeth sore. theyre meant to move your teeth around and teeth dont like to move.

and depending on what youre getting done, there is a slight chance they could be off by june. but i wouldnt count on it...braces tend to be on longer than 3 months.
Reply:They hurt alot, then you start getting used to them and it's time for them to be adjusted and they hurt all over again. Braces are usually on for years not months, but it's better to do it now and get it over with. You'll be glad you did.
Reply:They won't be off by June, most like it will take a year, possibly longer.

It doesn't hurt when they are put on.

They use this tool to create a rough surface, so the tooth cement sticks better and put the brackets on, which again doesn't hurt, it's just sticking it to the cement. Next they use a blue heat light ( I think that's what it is) to dry bracket to the cement...Next they feed the wire through, and place the bands over the wire, which just involves a little tugging, no pain at all. Next they trim the wire in the back so your not getting poked and irritated constantly.

They will start to hurt later that night, and the next couple of days, but it's totally bare-able. Just stay away from hard foods and chewy stuff for awhile.

Again, none of the process of putting braces on hurts.

Oops I almost forgot!, they put this mouth thing in to keep your mouth open during the process, it's like a soft plastic... it doesn't hurt either.. it's quite comfortable if ya ask me! lol

Good Luck!!


I noticed you added your teeth are very crooked, so givin' the work needed to be done, mine aren't crooked, I've got gaps and an over bite, blah blah blah...and my dentist said i'll have braces for atleast 26-38 months. So you'll deff have them for more than a year. but you'll be so glad you did!

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