Saturday, May 15, 2010


I just got my braces and it SUCKS BALLS HARD!!!!!

I can't eat anything harder than BREAD without my teeth and gums hurting!!!!! The wax stuff that is supposed to cover the pointy parts keeps falling off so my lips keep getting jabbed on the inside. This is in almost every way: HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know it feels like ****!

I've been there and it will hurt for a few days, but I can suggest a few things. Have pasta, soups, pies things that are soft, but have a bit of chew that you can eat, It's yummy, and it won't hurt too much.

Also ask your ortho if he has silicon instead of wax, it stays on better, and feels nicer than wax.

when i first got mine, if i was just sitting at home and they were cutting my mouth i'd put my mouth guard in. i know it sounds silly, but it feels like such a relief!

anyways trust me they will get better!

Reply:invisaline would have cost just as much an u wouldnt b havin those probs
Reply:Well, that's the way....and it's just gonna keep on happening like that after each appointment...
Reply:I got them about 6 months ago, it hurts right?!

I just ate anything i could manage to, but thats the worst part over, it hurts less after each apointment, take some painkiller if it gets too much for u!

The wax does NOTHING trust me, i used it but it didnt make a difference for me anyway. There will ALWAYS be pointy bits which u cannot get rid of, i got scars all across my gums, but think at the end you'l have perfect teeth!

Reply:you get used to it.

but after every vist w/ the ortho...thats gonna happen

i have braces on.

i know how you feel,love

hiking boots

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