Friday, May 21, 2010


ive been wearing braces for almost 2 years now and my teeth have become straight they were soo bad before but now their straight but i still have an overbite..when i bite my front teeth go in the middle of my lower teeth..and i have been wearing 1/8'' elastics 24/7 and i only take them out when im eating. and before when i wore them it usually hurts and that was because my teeth was moving but now they dont hurt but i still have an me!!!!!

The overbite is normal. It is a common misconception among patients that top and bottom teeth are supposed to edge to edge. But that is the least desirable bite. When you hit edge to edge, you tend wear the teeth down and that may cause your joint problems. I think you are wearing rubber bands to correct your bite (i.e to move your teeth forward or backward). Hope that helps.
Reply:er....i think only your orthodontist can help you on that one...unless you are asking someone on here to punch you a few times till your lower teeth move back
Reply:Seriously head gear is your only option. If that is your picture you're smoking hot!
Reply:I have an overbite too and I have braces.
Reply:hey i have to wear 3/16" on the right side and 1/4" on the left
Reply:i had braces for 7yrs and still have a minor overbite...your natural teeth are never going to be perfect...but i'm sure now they look a lot better than before
Reply:Overbites are normal, as long as they are within the clinical norms (vertical 4mm, horizontal 2mm). Don't worry about it, you will look fine, your orthodontist knows what he's doing. Just make sure you keep using your retainer at the end of your treatment and make sure if you haven't already to get your wisdom teeth pulled, especially bottom ones. They tend to push (impacted 3rd molars) the rest of your teeth out of alignment. not as common for the tops ones though.
Reply:write to cristiano ronaldo, AND, if he is such a saint he will miraculously cure you. won't be able to do anything for your personality though


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