Monday, April 27, 2009

Braces ???

Well I'm in 8th grade and getting braces on December 4th. It's still a pretty long time, bt I can't wait and I'm really excited. So, I'm just wondering about any information having to do with braces. Including what colors to get, how much it will hurt, what should i do, and is it gonig ot feel different, etc...


Braces ???
WEll, i got my braces last year in Janurary, I had my first top 4 for about nearly a year and just today i got my second phase [[my full mouth]].... lol as we speak my teeth are kinda sore..I was excited too its really kind of kool having braces, but the only thing i would say is that you DO and your teeth get sore.The soreness will eventually stop after a couple months of having them.. after a while and you should take tylenol your orhto should supply you with wax in case the metal rubs on your cheeks,[[it can scrape or cut you, BE VERY CAREFUL]] especially when running around or playing sports such as basketball, baseball, and so on. your ortho should also give you a paper [[i got a magnet]] that tells you things you shouldn't eat and how to solve problems such as loose brackets wires comeing out and so on.

So that's about it!

Your ortho will give you more information on how to take care brushing at least twice a day even better if you brush 4 times a day.


Good luck
Reply:why are you excited
Reply:they be G A Y!!!!!
Reply:k' well when you go to an ortodonist you get a mold of your mouth. A month or two later you go back to get your braces on. This is uncomfortable and made me gag. Your mouth will feel tight and bleed but you won't hurt. your mouth will feel bad bleed and now hurt so get some pain medication. now you may get alot of cracker soars. if they are on wrong they will hurt terrible. your mouth once again will be very tight. keep them as clean as you can and floss.

color wise- there are a lot of colors match your eyes or get clear that are harder to see (like i did) skip that day of school.

i was not very exited and this might bring you down but still it's OK.
Reply:my freind told me they hur if ther even tinied misplaced,or sumtin like put on wax or change them evry week i gonna get mynes wen we find some1 who can xcept our insurance.but dont worry,itll be fun.....and u might be cuter.
Reply:I think they're very cute. I wanted to wear braces when I was kid.
Reply:It might feel different because you'll have brackets on your teeth! Once you first get them it is going to hurt for a couple of weeks. Get some colors that are your fav. or colors that matches your personality!


Some kids can't wait to get braces. Others are a little worried about what it will be like or how they will look. It can help to learn more about braces, which straighten your teeth and make your smile even better looking.

Tooth Talk

Lots of kids don't have perfect teeth, so don't worry if yours aren't straight. Take a look at most of your classmates. Many of them probably don't have straight teeth either. Sometimes teeth just don't grow in evenly.

Your teeth might be crooked, or your upper and lower jaws might not be the same size. If your upper jaw is bigger than your lower jaw, that's called an overbite. If your lower jaw is bigger than your upper jaw, you have an underbite.

Either way it's called malocclusion (say: mal-uh-kloo-zhun), a word that comes from Latin and means "bad bite." Malocclusion is just a word that dentists use to describe the shape of your mouth.

Your dentist might notice one of these problems during a regular visit and recommend that you see an orthodontist (say: or-thoh-dahn-tist). This person may also be called a braces specialist. He or she can determine whether you need braces.

Types of Braces

If your parents had braces, you may have seen pictures of them with their mouths full of metal. Today, braces are much less noticeable. Metal braces are still used, but you might be able to get clear braces or braces that are the same color as your teeth. There are even braces that go behind your teeth where no one can see them.

The wires that are used in braces today are also smaller and better than they used to be, and they're made of a space-age material that straightens your teeth faster and easier. The rubber bands that go along with braces come in funky colors now, too. So you could have black and orange ones for Halloween!

How Braces Work

Braces straighten teeth by putting steady pressure on your teeth and by staying in place for a certain amount of time. Most kids just need regular braces with wires and rubber bands doing their jobs to keep pressure on the teeth. The wires on your braces help to move your teeth, and the rubber bands help to correct the alignment (say: uh-lyne-munt), the way your teeth line up.

If your teeth need a little extra help, you may have to wear head or neck gear with wires attached to your teeth. If you do have to wear headgear, don't panic! You probably will only have to wear it at night or when you're at home in the evening.

Everyone has to wear braces for different lengths of time, but most people usually wear braces for about 2 years. You'll want to take special care of your teeth after the braces come off. You may need to wear a retainer, which is a small, hard piece of plastic with metal wires or a thin piece of plastic shaped like a mouth guard. Retainers make sure your teeth don't go wandering back to their original places. Your retainer will be specially molded to fit your newly straightened teeth.

After you get your retainer, your orthodontist will tell you when you have to wear it and how long — you might have to wear your retainer all day and all night for 2 years, you might have to wear it at night for 6 months, or you might have to wear it every other night for many years. It just depends on your teeth.

Life With Braces

Braces act like magnets for food, so you need to keep your teeth especially clean while you have them on. You'll want to brush after meals and be extra careful to get out any food that gets stuck in your braces. Your orthodontist also may give you a special flosser you can use to floss in and around your braces. When your orthodontist changes your wires, ask if you can do a quick floss (it'll be easier without the wires).

You won't have to go on any special diet when you have braces, but you'll want to avoid some foods that are problems for braces. Stay away from popcorn, hard and sticky candy, and especially gum. Sugary sodas and juices can cause a problem, too, because the sugar stays on your teeth and may cause tooth decay. You can have these drinks, but be sure to brush afterward.

Because braces put pressure on your teeth, you might feel uncomfortable once in a while, especially after the orthodontist makes adjustments. If you have pain, ask your mom or dad to give you a pain reliever.

If you ever have a loose wire or bracket, or a wire that is poking you, you should see the orthodontist right away to get it taken care of. If your orthodontist can't find a problem, he or she may give you some soft wax that you can stick on the bracket that's bothering you. Then it won't rub against your mouth.

So braces can be inconvenient, but lots of kids have them and they are definitely worth the trouble. When will you know for sure? On the day your braces are removed and you can see your new and improved smile!
Reply:The exciting part is getting them off lol. The first couple of days your teeth will hurt. You may only want to eat soft foods like soup and jello. Every time they tighten your braces your mouth will hurt for a while but you will get used to it!!
Reply:i was so excited about mine too.

it hurts yeah but not for long.

school colors were always my favorite.

and it feels different but you get used to it.

good luck.
Reply:I had braces for 5 years and trust me the only thing that is exciting about have braces is getting them off. The wires catch on to your cheeks and gums. they poke you and cut your lips. And when you go back to the orthodontist they have to tighten the up and it hurts your jaw like heck, your not going to want to eat for a while abut 3 days. So all you eat is like soup and all that non interesting foods. The you cant chew gum or eat Doritos or Cheetos or apples unless you slice the apples. Sometimes your wires pop and boy is that hell. I remember one time in science class we had a project with magnets and i laugh over the magnets and it got stuck to the wire in my braces, boy was that embarrassing. And then you get finish eating you got make sure food is not still stuck in between your wire.
Reply:Well I got braces when I was 11 and let me tell you they hurt like heck the first day you put them on so be ready to get anbasol. Also, I did not wear colors because it just brought too much attention to them. Don't eat lots of lemons, i did and they are harmful because of the chemical reaction. Brush your teeth right after you eat to keep food out of the wires and you gums healthy and no if you kiss someone you won't get stuck !!! I'm an adult now with a pretty good looking smile, don't forget to wear your retainer afterword. Oh and every time you go get them tightened they will hurt so be prepared. As I recall you do this about once a month. Have fun !!!
Reply:Before I got braces I was excited too!! They didn't hurt so bad after I got them on. Sometimes they will give you a headache but just take an asprin. The first time it was hard for me to pick a color, so i just got rainbow. If you have a hard time deciding thats what you should do. Time flys so it won't be to long. Hope they work out for ya!

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