Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm sixteen and I have to get braces soon but I'm really self conscious since I will have them on my whole junior year and maybe even part of my senior year. I'm a sophomore now. I was told I have 2 wear them for 1 1/2 to 2 years but thats just a guestimate. I wanted to get clear ceramic braces however my orthodontist said they just break and aren;t good. But I'm pretty self conscious about getting regular braces....

I've also been told that ceramic braces take longer then metal and I definately don't want that because then I probably will have them my entire senior year. So should I get ceramic??

no, the ceramics cost more and you can still tell theyre on. also, they get stained really easier when you eat and drink different foods. just go with the normal ones
Reply:whatever will look better in the yearbook
Reply:Don't be self conscious, I'm a junior now and i have braces. I would go with the regular metal. Just get them and when they come off you'll have a beautiful smile if all goes well.

Good luck : )
Reply:In my experience people who have not had braces and are afraid they will be self conscious are worried about the appearance of braces, but almost all the people I have seen who have worn them for any amount of time lose the self consciousness.

A reason for this is that many of their friends are also wearing braces at the same time. And any more it is much more normal to wear braces, almost a status symbol.

I've seen many people making a fashion statement with multi colored elastics on their braces. Much more showing them off than ashamed of them.

Metal brackets are more accurate and work better than ceramic, they are also less expensive to place.
Reply:Your ortho's right. Ceramics DO take longer, they are more expensive, and they stain very very easily. You are getting braces to improve your smile, and that is NOTHING to be self-concious about. Instead, you shoud be thrilled!! The metallic ones are what I would reccomend since SOOO any high-schoolers have them, its waaay faster an easier to maintain. Yea, it WILL be visible, but SO WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

You shoul be PROUD to show off your to those classmates of yours that your gonna have a better smile than THEM!!!!! =D

That was my mentality when I first got my metalic braces..and guess what? I do NOT wanna take them off now!!! I love them.
Reply:I just got braces yesterday, and i was really nervous that i was going to be a "metal mouth". When I saw my braces on for the first time, I thought they kinda looked bad. But, I asked practically everyone that i knew if they were really noticeable, and if it lookded like all i had in my mouth was braces, and they said that I actually looked good, and that i chose a really good color for my ligaments (elastics). I woke up this morning, and I actually really liked how my braces look. And look on the bright side, EVERYONE HAS THEM!
Reply:I just got braces on tuesday.

Believe me, they look more natural than you think. What you should be worried about is PAIN.

You're in for a hell of a ride if you're concerned about how they look. XD

Good luck!

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